Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Father's Day do-over

I originally posted about Father's Day here, but since then we have taken back Heath's original present, a purple martin house. The boys and I sat out the other day to pick out a new present for him. It was quite the experience (we are currently potty-training our little B). Fun times!

Heath had been to the Case knife dealer in BG, and while he was there he picked up some books full of knives. He circled, highlighted and starred the ones that he liked, so the boys and I took some of those books with us to the store. I showed the lady behind the counter the book, and while she found some for us to look at and choose from, the boys and I looked around at all the knives (and visited the scary bathroom in the back twice!)

The saleslady came gathered three different knives for us to choose from. They were all ones that Heath had chosen from the books. The boys looked them over and we decided on one - finally. We took it home that morning, and the boys helped me wrap it with Cars wrapping paper (they picked it out.)

That night, both the boys retrieved the present and carried it to Heath. They had even hidden it after they wrapped it!

Heath was very excited (and Baylen was busy snacking on chips).

Yay! Happy Father's Day! (again)

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