Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Trax July 4k

We weren't exactly sure what we were getting ourselves in to, but Karalee, Amy and I signed up for the Trax July 4k fun run. (a 4k, in case you're wondering, is 2.4 miles). Amy and I had been running a few times a week since the Run for Rover back in mid-June, and since then we had coaxed Karalee into this new hobby, too.

We got there plenty early, paid the entry fee of 4 canned goods, grabbed our t-shirts and were ready to start. After someone sang the Star Spangled Banner, the first group took off, and we were ready to go, too. The "fun" part about this race was that there was no timing, no awards, just plain ol' running - and some added exercises at the end of each kilometer! At the end of the first kilometer, we had to do ten push-ups. After the second kilometer we did squats, and at the end of the third kilometer we did jumping jacks. Oh, my! It was a hillier (is that a word?) course than I expected and it was brutally hot, but we finished with smiles. (Didn't we?)

Smiling for a pic after the race

Our next race is at the end of July, the Purple Striders 5k. We've got a few more races after that, but the big event and our goal is the Medical Center 10k here in BG. Obviously, there will be lots more training between now and then!

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