Sunday, July 31, 2011

Birthday on the farm

July 4th isn't just Independence Day for our family. It's a day that we celebrate a blessing in the form of a daughter, sister, wife, mother, granddaughter, niece and cousin. That blessing is my sister, and yes, July 4th is her birthday.

For those that don't know, my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer in September of 2009. Since then she's been through surgeries, chemo and radiation, and she is now cancer free. Every birthday for her is another year to be thankful for God's grace and healing on her. Every birthday is a celebration.

How did we celebrate this year? We went to the farm!

My aunt Kathy (Kaffy) has over 200 acres in Barren Co. On these acres is a spring that flows into a small stream that is perfect for the boys to play in. Give them some boots or water shoes, and they are set. Here's Cash and Grandad enjoying the cool water.

He enjoyed walking back and forth at first, but later he and Kennick (and B) were throwing rocks and kicking up their heels.

B was unsure at first and hung out with Grammy.

But it didn't take long for him to walk right in, sit down and start splashing.

Some of the rocks were slippery, but it was too much fun not to get right in.

Can you tell we had company? Yes, the cows enjoyed cooling off with a drink.

They also took a ride in O's boat around the pond. Dad had made Kathy and Johnny a duck house, and they used the boat to put it in place. The little boys, along with Heath and O, rowed around the pond just for fun.

Cousin Josh tried to catch supper. So did O and Bubba (Karalee).

Here they are paddling around the pond. See the duck house in the background?

Somehow Cash always migrates to O when it comes to fishing. Maybe he knows that O has fabulous fishing skills. :)

After awhile of not catching any fish though, these three boys decided to play in the stream some more.

Look who caught the first fish! Heath hooked this medium sized catfish, but threw it back. We were having ham sandwiches for supper!

Baseball and fireworks ... finally

On July 3rd,  we met mom and dad at Bowling Green Ballpark for another ball game, and this time they were having a fireworks display after the game! We were excited, but it was a long game, it was super hot, and the boys were full of energy.

So what better to do than head to the grassy area in the outfield to sit and relax where the breeze was blowing and let the boys run around and have some added fun?!

Here they are having some male-bonding time with Heath.

Someone is going to be just like his daddy. :)

I tried to get a picture of Heath and the boys, but Cash and Baylen wouldn't cooperate. Looks like my dad either felt left out or was just being silly.

I'd say he was just being silly!

After a very long 12 innings and a loss, the fireworks began! Cash sat in Grandad's lap to enjoy them while Baylen slept in mine. What a fun night!

Our weekend ride

You hear of some people renting a convertible for the weekend. They put the top down, drive with the wind in their hair and let loose for a few days. Or sometimes you hear a couple renting a motorcycle for a relaxing weekend. Driving the back country roads, not a care in the world.

Us? We rent backhoes for our weekend ride.

Both boys were in awe of it, but one in particular. Cash wanted to know where that backhoe was at all times, and of course, he got a few rides on it, too.

Heath got a lot of work done while we had it here.

And Cash got the best possible weekend ride that he could ever imagine!

Concrete and fireworks

Only on this blog will you find a post about concrete and fireworks together.

July 1st was a very full day. After story time at the library, lunch and some errands in town, the boys and I came back to the house for nap time. Heath was able to get home early to pour the last of the concrete for our retaining wall around back. The boys were so excited to have a concrete truck at their house and were amazed at the sounds that it made.

I sometimes wonder about Heath. It's almost like he has this concrete truck radar. Before I can ever hear a truck, his ears seem to perk up, and he always says, "I'm starting to hear things." He's never wrong. Here's a picture of B watching Heath. He had just said those magical concrete words, and yes, within minutes a concrete truck pulled down the drive.

"Look, mama! There it is! A con-trete trut at my house!"

They had a time dodging the trees in the front yard to get to the retaining walls. The boys watched in amazement.

Getting the chutes ready...

Not your typical concrete finisher, but the best I know.

The boys loved watching it all happen. They got used to the noises, too. It was loud being so close, but they didn't seem to mind too much.

B did get a little bored after awhile and decided to sit on the front stoop.

After Heath finished pouring the wall, we packed up in the car and went to Moe's for supper. Moe's is, no doubt, one of our favorite places to eat, and both the boys eat really well there. After our bellies were full, we drove over to the Corvette Amphitheater for the music and fireworks. We were supposed to meet up with some friends for a great time. Little did we know that a very long line of traffic waited for us.

Lesson learned: It cost money to park and watch the fireworks at the amphitheater. We had no idea. I guess thinking back about it, it makes complete sense, but we hadn't been before and didn't know. We drove up and they were collecting money, and we had no cash. Panic! Heath was looking in the nooks and crannies of the car. I was searching the bottom of my purse for a faithful stranded dollar or two. All we came up with was five bucks. It costs $15. 

While all this was going on in the front seat, Cash was overhearing the panic in our voices as we said, "We don't have any cash!" "Do you have cash?" "Is there any cash in the console?" He piped up from the back, "Yes, you do. I'm right here!" We had to compose ourselves to explain to the lady taking the money that we didn't have enough cash to get in. She looked at the long line of cars behind us, took the $5, and said, "Enjoy the fireworks." Shew ... close call!

Me with the boys and Laura, our small group friend

Cash would find the concrete toy that our friend brought for their kid to play with. It kept him busy until the fireworks started. He enjoyed watching the fireworks. He and Heath laid on their backs and watched them together on the blanket.

As for this guy, he found a few things to keep his attention until the fireworks started, and then he fell asleep in my lap. He always sleeps through fireworks!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A special day

Wednesday, June 29th, was a special day.

Not because we went to the library to check out new books.

Not because we went to Glasgow to play with Grammy and cousin Kennick.

But it was a special day because my lil' man drew his first face!

Call me a dorky mom, but I was completely thrilled! I rushed to get my camera - because I'm just a dork like that.

This one was Kennick, because he "has curdy hair."

B really didn't understand why mommy was so ecstatic. Neither did Cash really.

Then he drew another one!

This one was a picture of himself because it had "straight hair."

I was so proud, and I still am. What a bright little boy.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Party time - Excellent!

On the evening of Cash's birthday we had his party with our family. A lot of his favorite people were able to come and celebrate his big day. Here's  a look at it in pictures...

Cash was very, very excited about his cake. He had told me he wanted a Cranky the Crane birthday party and a Cranky cake. (This is the big crane on Thomas for you non-Thomas watchers.) I found a lady in BG who is an awesome cake-maker as you can see. She was able to make a Cranky the Crane to put on top. He loved it!

She also made a Thomas to put on the tracks at the bottom of the cake.

Can you see how Cranky is lifting a number three? Totally cool if you ask me. She was so creative with it!

Lighting the candles ... Can't believe he's already three!


Happy birthday to Cash!

No trouble blowing them out (with the help of daddy for support).

Proud parents of a happy three year-old!

Cash wanted B to see the cake and be in the picture, too.

I think cousin Nick thought the cake was pretty cool, too. He was waiting for his yummy piece. It was delicious, by the way!

B scarfed down his piece. Yes - he ate most of what you see here.

Family and friends all gathered to celebrate!

He could not get enough of the Cranky that was on top of the cake. He had asked for the real Cranky for his birthday, so I guess he thought that he got what he asked for.

Happy little brother!

Getting ready to open presents ... We got Cash his new chair for his birthday.

Watching Cash open presents is rather interesting. Once he opened one, he wanted it out of the box so he could play with it. It was hard keeping him focused on the task at hand.

Reading the card from Grammy and Grandad

Cousin Kennick was very curious about Harold's Helipad.

B checked out Cash's new chair.

We were trying to get Cash down off the couch so he could open more presents. He was trying to get Grandad to get Captain and his shed out of the box.

More presents! 

B also got a present from Bhavini Mashi. She couldn't come to his birthday party in March, so she brought him a surprise, too. He loved this toy! 

Cash playing with Captain's shed after all the presents were opened.

And there's Cranky! He was so, so, SO excited about him!

Kennick and B were busy trying out Cash's other presents.

Thanks, Aunt Kaffy, for getting Cranky the Crane! He was one happy birthday boy!

Here's both his Crankys - the cake one and the real one.

We played with both the Crankys after everyone left and before bedtime. What a big day!