Monday, April 30, 2012

April reads

I write this a bit ashamed. I'm not sure what happened in April, but I didn't finish my two books on my reading list for the month! Well, that's partially true. No, I didn't finish the two books on my list, but I think I do know why. The first book that I was supposed to read, Calm My Anxious Heart, ended up being a bit of a hard-read for me. It wasn't difficult, but it just wasn't written in a way that I enjoyed. It seemed to skip around and was choppy. I'll get into that later. So because I wasn't enjoying the first book, I found a book at the library that I thought sounded good. I decided I would read a few chapters in my first book and reward myself with a few chapters from The Coal Tattoo. That worked for awhile, until my second book got so good that I never wanted to pick up my first book. Are you following me? 

The Coal Tattoo by Silas House

This was actually my second book that I started this month. It was on display at the library because the author was coming to town to speak. While I didn't go to the event, I did decide to read the book because the inside flap made it sound like a great read. Based in Appalachia (eastern Kentucky in the mountains) in the 1960s, the book tells the story of two sisters with a hard past going through even harder times as grown adults. Failed marriages, coal mining taking over their land, a stillborn baby - this book had a lot, but it was a great read. The disappointment for me was when I found out that this was the third in a three-book series - after I finished reading it. I was so bummed because I would have really enjoyed reading the series in order. We'll see if I go back and read the first two.

Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow

So this is the book that started all the problems this month! I had read a review of this book on one of my favorite blogs, so I thought I'd put it on my book list. I borrowed it from a friend, but it just didn't flow well. It seemed cut up or jagged. I'm not sure, but it was hard for me to read, although it had some good points (although she frequently quoted from The Message as her preferred Bible translation, *sigh). I'm not sure I learned much from it because I had the state of mind to just finish it and move on. 

So where am I now? Honestly, I need someone to hold me accountable, but I'm not sure anyone would be successful at this. I was telling Heath the other night that it seems that I can be caught up on only a few things, but never everything. Laundry, house cleaning, reading, preparing school games, blogging, and the list goes on. I may have laundry caught up and the dishes done and put away, but I haven't finished my Bible reading for the day. Or maybe I'm caught up on blogging, but I have dust bunnies and dirty laundry. Mercy.

As of now, I'm halfway through my second April book, The Tale of Two Sons by John MacArthur. So far, it's very good. With a vacation at the end of the month, I'm not sure if my May reading will be a complete disaster or a wonderful catch-up month. We'll see.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Popcorn catastrophe

I have been looking for new snack ideas for the boys lately. They get tired of yogurt, fruit, and granola, and honestly, so do I. I was catching up on some reading online one day and ran into this article. I had heard some recent studies on popcorn and this just confirmed it all. Popcorn is 100% whole grain, full of antioxidants and yummy! Of course, microwave popcorn is about as toxic of a snack as you can get, so I began the search for an air popper - you know, the white and yellow ones that they had years ago. I had seen them around, but of course, when I started looking for one, I couldn't find one anywhere. Finally though, I ran across one at Wal-Mart that is shaped like a football. For just under $18, I grabbed it and thought, "Why not?"

I purchased some popcorn kernels (GMO free) from the store and we were ready. I waited until one afternoon when Heath was home so he could enjoy the excitement with the boys. Little did I know, there was a whole lot of excitement that goes along with popping popcorn out of a football!

We decided to set the boys on the island, as we always do, so they could watch the action. We made it very clear NOT to touch the popper. At first they were a bit nervous thinking it might be too loud, but once we turned it on, they were nothing but excited!

Here they are peering into the popper, watching the kernels go around!

Oh, popcorn! It was amazing to them!

Soon it started popping like crazy! A little too crazy, actually. This is the last picture that I got because after a while, the popcorn was going everywhere, and unpopped HOT kernels were coming out, too. They would land in the football and then pop! Some popped into the floor while some popped toward the boys leaving them screaming. It was absolute, crazy hysteria! I laid down the camera and grabbed B off the counter. Cash stood up to hop down, too, and as he did, he laid his leg on a hot kernel and it burned him. CRAZY, I tell ya! 

In the end, we learned a few lessons. First, when popping popcorn out of a football, use two smaller bowls as shields to make sure the kernels and popcorn land in the bowl. Second, no boys on the counter. They actually sit on the barstools behind the bar now, a good ten feet away, to watch the popcorn popper. And third, never pop popcorn after mopping the floors as it makes a mess. Wait until after to clean the floors.

So there you have it, our new healthy snack. We add a bit of salt and sometimes some butter and wah-lah! - "the perfect snack food."

Friday, April 27, 2012

Because ...

there's nothing wrong with standing on your back porch in just a diaper and a batting helmet at 6:30 in the morning. That's why!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ready to plant

This past Tuesday afternoon, we had our garden spot tilled to get ready for planting. 

Cash was awake to watch, but B was still napping. It was pretty chilly, so we sat in the truck and watched him run his tractor over the ground. It took him less than fifteen minutes - we have a very small garden patch.

But here it is! I'm excited about it, as I truly enjoying gardening. I've been talking to my granny and aunt to get some more pointers. I've bought some seeds and a few plants already, too. I'm planning on trying to get started this Friday and Saturday because the "sign is right" (that'll have to be a whole different blog post). I've also got my super cute garden stakes that my sister painted for me that I'm excited to use. I'm praying for a fruitful harvest, lots of outdoor time with my boys, and hopefully a few lessons along the way!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Turkey season

On Thursday, the 19th, I met a friend and her two sons at the park for a playdate. On the way home, I got a phone call from Heath informing me that he had just shot a three year-old turkey in the backyard. At first, I didn't believe him, but as he told the story, I noticed that he was out of breath. An adrenaline rush usually comes after a good kill, so I began to believe him. 

The boys and I drove home talking about the turkey, the size and what it might look like. They had seen hens in the yard before, but never a gobbler. When we got home, the boys quickly ran to the backyard. Heath had actually shot it from the edge of the front porch, but it was in the side of the backyard. 

Here's the proud "hunter" with his two biggest fans. On a day that he decided to work from home, he just happened to look out the kitchen window while getting some lunch...

Heath decided to take Cash hunting with him that next Saturday morning. They left around 10:00 for Logan County, and after a short nap in the truck, Cash was ready to walk to the blind and sit with daddy. Cash was very excited before they left. (I was busy keeping Baylen preoccupied, or I would have taken a picture.)

I packed plenty of snacks for Cash. Here he is eating a granola bar in the blind. He had a great time, and they saw some turkeys, but none came close enough. Heath even let Cash try to call them in. He said that Cash talked a lot, which I guess was okay since they were in the blind. He said he would ask questions, point out the bugs that were crawling around, and just chat. I love that they had some good Cash-daddy time together, just the two of them. 

It must have been quite the adventure. This is the picture Heath sent me on the drive home.

Friday, April 20, 2012

So very cool

and so very, very cute!

First game of the season

We officially have a star in the family! On top of that, he's looking to have quite the arm when it comes to pitching! 

Thursday night, we attended our first Hot Rods game of the season. Nick, Heath's nephew (mine, too!) threw out the first pitch before the game. Everyone was in the crowd to cheer him on! We met aunt Stacy and PawPaw there. Ali and Chris were already on the field with him, and Nick's dad's side of the family was there to root him on, too!

We didn't get close enough to get an up-close shot. He's in the gray shirt next to the guy in the black shirt closest to the mound. He really hurled it in there, only letting it bounce once before it reached the catcher. Pretty good for a five year-old!


After Nick threw out the first pitch, we made our way up to one of the suites (yes!) to watch the game. Ali had bid on the chance to throw out a pitch and enjoy the game from a suite box at a silent auction for Nick's school. She won and invited the whole family to come watch. The boys were excited to watch some baseball, but first thing's first - they were hungry.

After eating and watching a few innings, we were visited by Roscoe the Grease Monkey. Cash doesn't mind Roscoe, and obviously Nick doesn't either. They were excited. On the other hand, B was trying to get as far away from him as he could.

The boys had a great time. They watch the game for awhile, holding their pretend bats and swinging at the pitches. Then they would run around the suite box or the three rows of seats outside. Heath and I enjoyed the game and loved being able to catch up with his family.

Closer to the end of the game, Chris helped all three of the boys practice catching popcorn in their mouths. I'm not sure any of them caught any, the floor was covered, but they loved it.

Cash especially cackled at each attempt.

B doesn't even like popcorn, but was trying his darndest to catch them just like the big boys.

The Hot Rods played a great game that night, too. It looks to be a good season for them. They won the game against the Kernels 6-1. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Louisville Zoo

Baylen and I had appointment with our holistic practitioner yesterday morning in Louisville. I had planned a fun trip to the Louisville Zoo for the afternoon. My aunt agreed to come along to help watch the boys during the appointments and to have a grand time at the zoo as well.

The boys were great during the ride up, played well (loved the elevator) during the appointments, and ate such a big lunch at Chick-fil-a. Then it was off to the zoo!

This was our first trip to the Louisville Zoo. They were excited to see some of the different animals. I think Kathy was excited about it all, too. I didn't take too many pictures, just these two, but we saw polar bears, sea lions, camels, gorillas, giraffes, zebras, lions, and more! They had an awesome playground that we let the boys use to stretch their legs before we hiked back up a hill, hopped in the car and headed home.

Before long, the boys were fast asleep in the backseat, tired from such a fun day! Thanks, aunt Kaffy, for coming along!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Kale chips

Did you hear that I went absolutely crazy with spinach a few months ago? We had spinach in salads, lasagna, smoothies, and on sandwiches. You name it, I added spinach to it. Well, now I'm trying a new food - kale! (Is it a super food? I'll have to look that up.) Anyway, the farm down the road grows organic kale, so I put in an order and have been adding it to the boys' smoothies and trying new recipes with it. Here's one that our holistic practitioner suggested: 

Kale chips

Wash and dry a handful of kale. Pull the leaves from the stalk and lay them on a baking sheet. Lightly dab on some olive oil and sea salt. Bake in the oven for about 12-15 minutes at 350 degrees. It suggested adding some shredded cheese, but I thought I'd try them plain first.

Here's the before

And here's the after

This is what they looked like up-close. 

Honestly, I didn't care for them, but I think I went way too heavy on the salt. If I try them again, I'll add the cheese. Heath liked them, or so he said as the container is still in the kitchen half-full. The boys wouldn't touch them. I think it was because when they picked them up, they crumbled in their not-so-gentle hands. 

Oh, well. Just goes to show that some recipes are keepers and some aren't. I'm going to try this one next.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

"My go with daddy"

After Heath returned from T4G, Baylen climbed in his empty suitcase and declared that he was going with daddy next!

Easter with the family

After eating some lunch and resting, we loaded the boys and their baskets in the car to go to Glasgow. We stopped at mom and dad's first where the three grandboys had fun-filled baskets waiting for them from Grammy and Grandad.

Happy cousins!
Hershey kisses, new water shoes, foamy-doh and Crayola wipe-off boards - Grammy knows how to fill a basket!

They also got these bunnies pedaling bicycles carrying jelly beans. We found that B is a huge fan of every color of jelly bean. Heath, too. Me, not so much.

Then we headed down the road to Roseville for some egg-hunting and yummy eating with the rest of the family. B went straight inside to sneak some snacks from Gran-Granny, but Cash went straight to work hunting eggs with Kenle and Kennick.

Notice the tongue - great concentration needed while hunting eggs

Someone is an awfully skilled hider!

A little too good, maybe! I had to help Cash on this one.

Kennick was busy filling his basket,

while Josh was helping Kenle find some and fill hers.

So much fun! It was a bit chilly, but they had a great time collecting the colorful eggs!

The two oldest "babies"

Finally B got a full stomach and after supper he decided to join us for some egg hunting. This one had a monkey imprinted on it. He thought it was something special. Can't you tell?

Kennick had a fun wooden basket that he had no trouble at all filling up.

I love this one. We told the kids to go inside and hide their eyes. It looks like a prayer meeting going on in Gran-Granny's bedroom. It's not, just a handful of cuties hiding their eyes, counting, and waiting until all the eggs were hidden. :)

the Easter bunny

Here's J.P. helping with the eggs. You know you're running out of places to hide them when you use people as props. 

And to end the evening, as the sun was setting, Jeremiah, then Josh, then Heath climbed the big tree in Gran-Granny's yard. It's perfect for climbing and sitting. B wanted to get in on it, too. I see a lot of tree climbing in this boy's future.

What another perfectly wonderful evening with my family - love them all!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Novice photographer

Before we went in, I wanted one good picture of Heath and I together. I knew we couldn't get a full family picture, but I was hoping that Cash could take a picture of mommy and daddy together for Easter. This was the backdrop I picked out. The last blooming dogwood on the edge of the old road that goes into the "big tree forest." We handed Cash the camera, tried to show him where to point and such - here's what we got.

I believe these are hickory trees.

Heath decided to help Cash out some more, while I stood holding a tired little brother.

I'd like to think this was a close shot.


Then we got a shot of Ruth.

Finally, a picture of Heath and I (with Ruth). The dogwood isn't really in the picture and it's not so close-up, but for a three year-old, it's perfect!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter photo shoot

I'll admit that at times, I am a crazy picture-taking burden to my family. It drives Heath crazy, I know, but I love taking pictures of my sweet family. I take them all the time, right? But on days like Easter, when my two blonde sweeties are dressed so cute (in pastel plaids!), I went crazy. I'm thankful that my three boys cooperated as much as they did. Take a look at my not-so professional photo session:

Cheese! Anytime B sees me with my camera he stops and says "Cheese!" in his most precious little way. It doesn't make for the best pictures, but it's very much his true character.

This one is a bit better of my little guy. He's still holding tight to his camo sunglasses, but this time I just asked him to smile. Better...

Heath knows how I'm not a fan of sunglasses being worn in pictures. This was his idea, and of course, B had to be like daddy. Cash isn't much for sunglasses. What a charming group!

Heath and his two boys

Me with my loves

Where did my babies go? 

Heath suggested a silly face picture. Cash knew just what to do. B wasn't sure.

He tried to be like big brother and stick out his tongue. Still awfully cute with that smile, though.

Then I lost them. Heath started throwing rocks down to the river, and the boys quickly started doing the same.

I can imagine taking this same picture in years to come. My little cutie checking out the river below, only years from now he'll be all grown up. (I can imagine being that obnoxious mother posing my son and his prom date in random places in the yard. Oh, dear.)

Before going in for lunch and to rummage through those baskets, Cash and Heath checked on the salt block they put out for the deer. Why not?