Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cash's first day

All spring, Cash informed me that he didn't want to turn four years-old because he didn't want to go to school. After he turned four (because we knew it was going to happen), he insisted that he still didn't want to go to school. I dreaded the fall because I had just knew that at some point some sweet, non-deserving lady was going to be pulling him from my leg asking him to come play with cardboard bricks. *sigh*

After a summer full of prayer and lots of pep talks (and changing to a preschool where he had two friends attending), he began to have brighter thoughts about the start of preschool. By the time it came around, he told Heath and I that he was going to be a "big boy."

The day came for us to see how it went:

Oh, my. So big! Where is my lil' man?

Big smile, not a bit worried, ready for his first day!

Little brother wanted his picture taken, too! (Not such a little baby anymore, either.)

I tried to look for some sign of anxiety or worry, but he seriously acted cool as a cucumber.

Heath worked from home that morning so he could be there as Cash went for his first day.

I was so proud!

So how did it go? Wonderfully! We got to his school, and as soon as Ms. Patterson opened the door, he walked right in. Not a "Bye, Mommy!" or a hug or anything! But I was okay with that. He was happy, excited, and ready to be set free (so to speak). I also knew that if I had insisted on a hug, tears would have flown from this mama.

B and I left, hand in hand, on our way to Musikgarten across town. It was the beginning of a new chapter for us. Cash was at school, independent and big, and I was getting my chance to spend one-on-one time with my little B. Looking forward to this season and thanking God for choosing me to be these boys' mommy.

1 comment:

Sara Crane said...

oh what a precious age and time for you and your boys. I hope you are enjoying the transition and things continue to go well for both Cash and preschool and B with his special time alone with you!