Friday, August 3, 2012

Going for a climb...

To say that my boys love to go to the park is a HUGE understatement. There are many, many parks in Bowling Green, and it's safe to say that we've been to all of them multiple times. Just recently though, Basil Griffin has become their absolute favorite (it used to be the park at the soccer complex on Lovers Lane). Over the past year, Basil Griffin has been updated. Out with the old play things and in with some new things, including a "spider web," "climbing jacks," and two "dizzy seats." (All named by Cash.)

They have also installed a huge boulder right outside the playground area, and the boys have been begging to try it out. Being the mom that I am, I decided that it would be best if we came one evening to climb it with daddy. Smart thinking on my part, right? I just knew I would feel more comfortable with my two little guys climbing up a huge rock if we could do one on one instead of me being outnumbered.

So after supper on August 1st, we drove over to Basil Griffin to show daddy that "huge rock" and attempt to reach the top together.

Cash didn't waste any time. He grabbed hold and began to shoot right up the side.

Before long, he was at the top waiting for daddy and B.

Heath decided to go up the not-so-easy side, barefoot.

Not sure what Cash was pointing to here, but he was so, so excited that he was on top of that big boulder with daddy.

And last up was my little B. He required a bit more help, but tried very hard to do most of it himself. 

They made it! Looks like we need to take some little boys to Climb Nashville. :)

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