Tuesday, December 28, 2010

From a house to home

I bought our little house in July of 2004, right out of college. It was just Ruth (my cat) and me. Most rooms had furniture, there were plates in the cabinets, a TV in the den and it was my house. I liked my little house. Slowly, it began to change though. Heath moved in after we got married in October of 2005, and it changed to "our" little house.

When Cash was born in the summer of 2008, something crazy happened to this house. I believe it finally became a home. There were no magazines stacked perfectly on the coffee table anymore. There were random plastic balls in the corners of our sloped rooms, and the backyard was covered with trucks, bats and more balls. It was our home. A seriously lived-in home. With the addition of Baylen this spring, this home began to bulge. So many things (and people) in such a small space. But it was home. Isn't there a song that says something like "love grows best in little houses?" Well, there has been a lot of love filling up this little house, and now it's someone else's turn to make this little house into a home.

Here are some scenes that make our little house a home...

Have you ever taken a shower with a plastic policeman?

We always know where to find them.

And I just picked up the den ...

For the past two and a half years, our freezer has been filled with either "liquid gold" or homemade baby food - or both.

Colorful spoons and a bottle brush - signs of a growing family.

Good-bye 1113.

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