Monday, December 27, 2010

In the beginning...

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. - Genesis 1:1

In our small group right now, we are studying creation according to the Bible. It's been absolutely mind-blowing to really dig into God's Word and understand the true six-day creation. Growing up, I knew and understood that God created it all, but had a very blurry image of how it all went down. To think of how God brought everything into existence, separated light from darkness, waters from the heavens, dry land from seas forming mountains and valleys humbles me. On top of it all, this powerful God also wants to be a part of my life and loves me so much that He would sacrifice His Son for me. How awesome it is to serve a God that created the entire world, but is still interested in having a relationship with me! My prayer for the upcoming new year is that I would keep that in the forefront of my mind.

Speaking of beginnings, this is our beginning. Yes, all we have is a mailbox right now, but it's a start. Right?

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