Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Even though it's the day after Christmas, I have some time (not much I'm sure - babies are sleeping) to write a post and wish everyone a merry Christmas. We hope that you had a Christ-filled Christmas and took time to remember what Christmas is really about and give thanks for our Savior. Here are some pictures from our Christmas day ...

We enjoyed some birthday cake (strawberry coffee cake) in honor of Jesus' birthday.Yes, those are paper plates. Keep in mind we're moving in four days.

We lit our fifth candle, the Celebration candle.

He couldn't resist. With presents under the tree waiting to be torn into, Cash had to go outside and play and walk around making tracks and make a snowman (yes, that's a fireman's hat) and walk around some more...

B decided to snooze while lil' man was outside playing.

After B woke up from his nap, we convinced Cash that we needed to open presents before we drove to Glasgow. This is the best picture I captured of my excited two and a half year-old and walking 9 month-old.

Cash got a dumptruck and front loader. He was super excited.
Baylen enjoyed it, too.

Matching pajamas. I had to do it. Aren't they cute in them? This is the first time they have ever matched ... might have to be a new tradition.

Me and my boys...

When we left for Glasgow, we stopped by the land to take a picture showing all the beautiful snow. Heath and I love it when the snow sticks to the trees.

At mom and dad's house (our soon-to-be temporary home).

If anyone asked Cash about Christmas this year, he would either say "Jesus' birthday!" (really loudly) or he would say "shake-shake bridge!" Here it is ... Thomas the Tank Engine's shake-shake bridge ... at last.

Baylen was getting a little tired, but had fun playing with his new toy from Grammy and Grandad, too.

Heath and I taking a break from putting together toys and chasing babies to smile for the camera.

From the Doggetts to you -- we hope you had a Merry Christmas!

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