Thursday, December 30, 2010

This is a happy post.

Tuesday night before Heath and I left our house for the last time, we sat and “remembered back.” We started to realize that there were a lot of memories and milestones from inside those four walls.

It was where …

...Heath asked me to marry him.

...we came home for the first time as a newly married couple.

...we got the shock that we were indeed expecting our first little one.

...we brought our lil’ man home.

...Heath and I were down on our knees praying when we got the call that his mom didn’t make it.

...lil' man took his first steps.

...I walked and breathed and walked some more when I was in labor with Baylen.

...Baylen first called home AND took his first steps, too.

Heath told me that I "did good" picking out our first house. Crazy to think that's what I was doing when I, single and right out of college, bought that house. Yeah, I'll have to agree. I did do good. But as sad as I was leaving that little house for the last time, I am happy. There are many memories there, but I know that there will be even more memories made in our new house. We are both looking forward to that, and actually, the wheels are already turning. Heath has been meeting with people this afternoon at the land, and he's hoping that his dad can help him lay it out tomorrow (pending the weather). The basement may be dug as early as next week. As for being back in Glasgow, things are quickly finding their places, the boys have pretty much adjusted to their new rooms, and the company is great!

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