Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cell phone pics

In this day and time, really, what would we do without cameras on our phones? So handy, always on us, and ideal for keeping Heath informed on what we are doing and me up-to-date on "house things." Here are some phone pics that we've been sending back and forth recently.

Stain on basement floor - nice...

Our cabinets being made

Heath's first job - remodeling PSC Metals in downtown Nashville

Gran-granny playing Play-Doh with Cash and Kennick

Bud on our transplanted sycamore tree

Tile in the boys' bathroom (nice job, Nick!)

I had to include this one Derek sent me. It's Kennick's first fish! Yay, Kennick!

Castle with moat and tunnel Cash built with Heath while I was at a baby shower

Two sand castles with doors Cash and I built during B's naptime

Playing with B's new Pirate ship water table on the HOT day last week
Thanks Ali and PawPaw!

The "beast" in the basement

The climbers (all three!) that mom and I watched Tuesday afternoon

Chandelier in dining room

Laundry room tile (Nick rocks!)

Cash's snake (made with help, of course!)

Guest bathroom tile

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