Monday, April 4, 2011


Cash: (handing me my camera) Here, mommy. It broke.

Me: (taking the camera and looking it over) Thanks, lovie. I think it's okay. It's just not turned on right now.

Later that day I went to get my camera and the lens fell off of it. I examined it closer to see that the black rim that holds the lens in place was in fact completely broken - as in, not there anymore. After asking Cash where he found the camera earlier that day, he explained to me "Me dropped it."

I'm still not sure where he found it or how he dropped it, but I guess I'm in the market for either a new lens or a whole new camera. *sigh*

1 comment:

bhavini said...

I may have an extra was for an old regular/nondigital thing...does that work for this?