Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Going so fast...

but that's SO okay by me!

It seems that the house is coming together faster than I can keep my blog updating with it all, but really - that's not a problem! Here are some recent pics of what's been going on.

Drywall started last Monday, March 14. This is taken from the dining room looking into the kitchen.

Here's the family room and stairs going up. It looks completely different with walls! 

Heath took off this past Thursday and Friday. He formed the front porch and got it ready to pour on Thursday, and then poured it Friday morning. It looks awesome!! I've always wanted a big front porch with a swing.

There it is. Do you see it? Oh, yes. It's Heath's new favorite thing.

Bring on the ice storms. We'll be able to keep everyone warm with our new log stove.

And this was taken yesterday. We were finally able to move that huge dirt pile in front of the house, and you can actually see the front door now!
More dirt work is being done today.

Siding was also started yesterday. No, this isn't the final color. We're actually still trying to decide on that. Any suggestions?

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