Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mom's apprentice

For as long as I can remember, my mom has been the "bookkeeper" for my dad's office. I can remember her standing at the kitchen counter with her adding machine, red pencil and green and white ledger paper. Month by month she would go through adding columns, deciphering dad's messy numbers, and saying to my sister and I, "Which one of you is going to grow up to be a CPA?"

Obviously, it wasn't mom's favorite thing to do, and she was eager to hand the job down. 

Too bad Karalee and I didn't take that route with our education.

But there may be hope for the next generation...

Cash loves playing with mom's adding machine

Sorry, mom. I think it's a love for buttons, not numbers and math!

1 comment:

bhavini said...

will he do my taxes?
you have music no the blog now...fancy.