Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Much more than a magnet

Any ideas as to what this is?

It's not something for Emily to pull to the docks.

It's not mail for B's house toy.

It's not something for Cash's bulldozer to doze.

Nope. It's not something for Kevin to carry around.

It's not even a snack to go with B's new favorite, pumpkin and bananas.

It's a magnet.

But it's really much more than a magnet. This is actually a small part of what two of our friends are doing to get their baby home. Let me explain...

Two of our close friends, Lara and Nathan, have followed God' calling on their family to start the process to adopt a baby from Africa - more specifically from the Congo in central Africa. They have already been blessed with a precious little girl, Lylah, but have been praying and considering adding to their family through adoption for some time. Just in the past month, they started the paperwork, and their first home-study meeting is today. If God wills, they will hopefully have their baby by the end of the year.

I say "their baby," and I know that might sound strange. You see, God knew before Lara and Nathan decided to adopt that they would. It is written in Psalm 139:16 that "all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." He knew even before time began that they would welcome a baby from another country into their lives and home. He also knew before time began that a little baby would be born across the ocean from them needing a home. He knows that "their baby" is waiting for them. 

As they go through the paperwork, meetings and interviews, there is also the financial side to adopting that they are prayerfully taking steps to prepare for. This is where the magnet (but much more than a magnet) comes into the picture. Lara, who is such a crafty gal, has been making these magnets. They are in the shape of Africa, and a heart is placed in the area where the Congo is. They are asking for a $10 donation to help fund their adoption process. In return, they are giving to people these magnets (or pins or barrettes - depending on your preference). 

I have to stop here. I'll be honest. The idea of fundraising to adopt a baby, at first, seemed so odd to me. I guess because it was a new idea, it had to sink in. I had to really think about this. A few other couples we know are also doing this or have done it in the past. So to me, it seemed like a trend of the times. I think that's why I had trouble with it, but as I thought about it more and more, it began to weigh more on my heart and mind. Heath and I discussed how we both felt about it. When we decided to "buy" a magnet to help baby M come home to Nathan and Lara, it was so much more than helping our friends add to their family. This is a small way to follow what the Bible says about orphans. In James 1, verse 27, we are commanded to remember the orphans and the widows. We are to love them and care for them. Obviously, we are doing this indirectly, but at the same time as following God's Word, we are also helping to save a baby's life both physically and spiritually. Physically, we know that Lara and Nathan's baby will be cared for and all its needs will be met under their loving care. And as close friends of theirs, we know that they are solid God-fearing Christians who will raise their baby in a home where the Word is taught and love is shown. 

This is why we decided to both donate $10 to their adoption process, and it is also why we are partnering in prayer with them to bring their baby home. As it is a magnet on our fridge, it is also a reminder to pray for baby M and Nathan and Lara as they go through this process in the months to come.

And here's where you come in. Now, I understand that I don't have a bagillion people who read my blog, but it doesn't take a bagallion people to make a difference. You, too, can help Nathan and Lara by donating to their adoption process. If you are interested in joining them to help bring their baby home, you can have a magnet, pin or barrette of your own. You can contact Lara, or you can contact me. Either way, I know that they would be overjoyed to have support from some of our friends and family, too. As a way to add to the fun, Heath and I have decided to match any support that they receive from anyone who reads about their journey on this blog. For example, if three of our friends and family buy a magnet, we'll donate an extra $30 to help get baby M home. Personally, I think it would be super cool if Lara was mailing magnets to New York, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Washington state, Iowa -- you know who you are.

So, here's the end of my post, but the beginning of a baby's story. What looks like a magnet, may be just a magnet to some, but to baby M, it's love shown across the world by people who are anxiously waiting to hear that baby M is home.

1 comment:

Amy Workman said...

Hey Kasey Jo! I am so late in responding to this post. We would be happy to buy a magnet from your friend. Send me a message on FB or email me at ahworkman@comcast.net and let me know if I should send the money to you or your friend and the address to send it. Have a great day! Love your blog! Your house looks great and the boys are growing so fast. It is so great to see how God is blessing you and your family!!