Sunday, September 23, 2012


Two and a half years ago God gave us our second little gift.
Baylen Neal made me the mother of two little boys, and over these past thirty months, we have seen how really unique and "perfect" he is.

This two and a half year old blondie is strong-willed.
He's more dramatic than big brother has ever been.

He's also much more goofy and playful, carefree than big brother.
He is so fun!

Most say he's Heath made over, but he has those Pelham eyes.
Not sure whose smile he has - it's seriously his very own and cannot be copied!

He loves his daddy; follows him, pretends to be him, is sad when he leaves and the first to run and give hugs when he walks in the backdoor. 

Mommy is more for cuddling, snuggling and holding now, but that's okay by me. 
Big brother is his best friend, he is his shadow.

He is our talker, our singer, our gibber-gabber in the backseat. He loves Itsy Bitsy Spider, the ABC song, Long Black Train, Hambone-Hambone and Wheels on the Bus.

He is special. He is loved. He's our sweet B. 
And he is now two and a half. 

Every good and perfect gift is from above, -- James 1:17a

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