Friday, September 14, 2012

Ring pops and a warm day

Even though we were not able to go to my cousin's daughter's fourth birthday party, Kenle sent the party favors to Bowling Green. The boys were super excited about the fun sand buckets and I loved the beach-themed picture frames. Also included in their favors were ring-pops. They were very interested in them, but I decided to wait until the next warm afternoon, and they could enjoy them outside while playing (sticky stuff is always more safely enjoyed out-of-doors!)

So yesterday, the 13th, after picking Cash up from school, the boys played outside while enjoying their very first ring-pops. It was love at first lick! It didn't take them long to finish them. Baylen's tongue was bright green, while Cash's teeth, tongue and lips were blue.

Then they got to work enjoying the beautiful weather!

Big smiles!


Cash wanted me to take a picture of his "dirt-bike-racing-fast!"

B was busy "helping daddy mow."

This boy loves his bike, which makes me happy. I'm not a fan of the battery powered toys, although I can see where they are lots of fun. I loved my bike when I was young, so I'm glad these boys enjoy pedaling around, too!

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