Wednesday, September 5, 2012

While I was gone...

So you may ask what Heath and the boys were doing while I was gone. Friday night, the boys spent the night with Grammy in Glasgow, and Heath was able to go bow-hunting all day on Saturday.

He sent me this picture from his phone Saturday afternoon. He was hunting in a field of beans.

Saturday night, Heath drove to Glasgow to pick up the boys. They got up Sunday morning and went to church. After church, since it was raining, they played outside (of course!) 

Heath sent me this picture of the boys playing in the rain. They made a pond, threw rocks and stomped in puddles.

And then he let them nap together in our bed. Oh the fun to be had when Daddy is watching the boys!


bhavini said...

adorable. the kids. heath--a little scary looking. :)

Sara Crane said...

ohhh - i'm envious! how wonderful that Heath sends such great photos! what special memories with their daddy!