Thursday, September 20, 2012


It was a Thursday morning, so I was in fast mode packing a lunch, getting myself ready and trying to get three of us out the door to drop off Cash at preschool. Super Why, the boys' new favorite show, had just come on, and it immediately grabbed the attention of both my little guys. I decided to let them watch it for a few minutes while I finished Cash's lunch and gathered some things before we headed out the door. As I came from the laundry room headed toward our bedroom, I noticed something so very sweet.

My two sweeties, who sometimes drive me crazy aggravating each other, were sitting and holding hands while watching their show together. Melt. My. Heart.

Not sure what prompted them to hold hands, but I'm guessing it's just the fact that they enjoy each other, they love each other, they are brothers and best friends. And that warms this mama's heart.

And so I took a picture or two.

And then I noticed that my four year old had some crazy rooster-tail hair going on. 
Some things never change ...

including this little guy loving to cheese for my camera. :)

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