Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fighter jets and a "tool" uncle

On Friday, the 14th, the boys and I met my uncle David at the Aviation Heritage Park here in Bowling Green. I've been wanting to take the boys since last year around Veteran's Day, but with the weather being nasty in November, we decided against it, and since then it has been forgotten about. But recently, we've been taking Three Springs Road to church on Sunday mornings, and of course, we pass by the fighter jets on the way. The boys remind me often that they "want to go see those."

So I called my uncle Friday morning and asked him if he had lunch plans, and although he was working (at the Harley store), he said he could get off early and meet us over there. I wanted him to explain some things to the boys and answer any questions. On top of that, we just don't get to see him enough!

There are three planes on display right now. Of course, the boys like the camouflage one the best. I picked up some Zaxby's on the way, and we ate a picnic style lunch in the shade under the wings of it.

They liked this one, too. It was a smaller one, but the boys had fun running under it and asking questions. Honestly, I learned a lot about these three planes.

Sun-in-their-face smiles!

See our picnic blanket? It was the perfect shady spot for lunch with uncle David.

My uncle David is a retired Colonel in the Air Force. He has served in a gazillion different places, been to all fifty states and lived in a handful of countries. He served in Desert Storm as the head of security for all the bases and was in charge of the personal security of the main Air Force guy. (Can you tell I listened but don't remember all the specific names?) He had even met many of the pilots that were mentioned on both the Air Force planes' plaques. The boys had more fun touching the planes and running around them, but I think it made an impression. Again, I hope they grow up with an appreciation for those who serve our country and its history.

I don't have to worry about them having an appreciation for great motorcycles! When uncle David arrived on his Harley, Cash's first question was "Can I sit on it?"

Yes, indeed he surely is a pretty "tool" uncle. 

*"tool" being "cool" in Baylen's language, and that it what he called uncle David the rest of the day

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