Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Bachelor Pad

Did you guess it?

Those three pictures were from Cash and Baylen's new "bachelor pad."

No, it' not a girly kitchen. Instead, this is the masculine "bachelor pad" complete with stainless steel appliances. Very manly.

I saw the idea in the Disney Family Fun magazine before we moved and thought it would be great to make once we're settled at Grammy and Grandad's with lots of empty boxes.

So one Thursday afternoon (the day Grandad is off), we searched high and low for recyclables and, with a lot of help from the two boys, it was a huge success!

The only thing we really had to buy was duct tape and a cheap bowl for the sink.

Mom had already bought some inexpensive "kitchen toys" at Big Lots, so once it was finished, the boys started pretending!

Cash loved washing the dishes in the sink. He gets this from Marlo and Heath, the expert dishwashers in the family. Cash is going to make some gal pretty happy one day.

Baylen, on the other hand, was caught the next day coloring the sink with a crayon. (I tell you - these boys are day and night!)

So if you have some empty packing boxes, old lids from plastic containers, and some pumps from lotion bottles, go for it! Make your favorite little ones their own kitchen!


Jennifer Keene said...

I love this!!!

Brittany said...

I love this too!! Great idea:)