Friday, February 18, 2011

Why not?

The other day Baylen was really wanting Cash's spoon during lunch. So I happily got him his own spoon. Then he wanted Cash's applesauce, so I got him some of his own. Then B wanted to eat it on his own.

Why not?

He's going to have to learn at some point.

I wouldn't say he did a great job, but you have to start somewhere.

Plus, he had a great time. Look at that smile!

Yes, I know, and look at the mess.

That's okay. That's why they make washcloths, right?

But the best part? Seeing him playing and learning to be a big boy.

1 comment:

amy pike said...

He looks like Heath in the "look at that smile" picture! And I think he did a wonderful job. BTW, a pedicure date sounds delightful!