Friday, February 18, 2011

Favorite Five: Cash's board books

1. Time for Bed

This book was given to Cash before he was born by one of my students. This is the book that Heath would always read to him at night. In this picture, we have Cash nestled on my pillow - that's how little he is here. *sigh* He loved this book, though, and he learned the different sounds that all the animals made with it. However, since Heath always read this book to him, Cash would always "shoot" the deer when it came to the page with the deer on it. 

2. ABC God Loves Me

This is another book that was given to Cash before he was born, but this time from a church friend. This book has flaps on each page that reveal verses (which I love) and it shows the letters of the alphabet with corresponding pictures. It's so cute to hear Cash say, "Read my God loves me book."

3. I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean

Most people probably haven't heard of this book. It's fairly new, and in my dad's words, "completely pointless." BUT Cash loves it. It's about a squid who says he's bigger than shrimp, sharks, etc. Then he gets eaten by a whale (bigger than him), so the squid changes his thinking. He became the biggest thing in the whale!

4. Goonight Moon

Is it too much to say that every child should have this book? Most little ones probably do grow up reading Goodnight Moon. It's a sweet book about a bunny saying goodnight to everything in his room, including the moon outside his window. Cash loves it, and I love reading it to him. Lately, though, it's been brushed aside by my lil' man during our "reading time" so we can read other books, but it will always be a favorite.

5. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

As we would read through this book, Cash would make all the animal noises ("blub, blub" for the gold fish in case you were wondering). He always points out the teacher, too, explaining that it's "mommy." He already knew his colors by the time this became a favorite, but I love that it reinforces them each time we read it.

So, what are your (or your little one's) favorite five?

1 comment:

Jennifer Keene said...

Hannah love "Good Moon" too! She also loves "Nova Builds a friend" and all of her touch and feel books. She also loves her "My first Library" books of shapes, colors, words and numbers. Hope you are doing well! Love catching up on your house project,you and your kiddos on your blog!