Thursday, February 10, 2011


Last Sunday morning, I was singing to little B while feeding him. It was Sunday, church time was approaching and I had a million things on my mind - what I should wear, what I needed to dig out for the boys to wear, the need to find two sippie cups and snacks for them to have in nursery while we were in "big church," etc. I caught myself, mind racing, and decided to slow down and prepare my mind and heart for worship later that morning. A song came to mind- "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus." It's a really old hymn (1922) that I think a lot of people would agree is not sung enough in worship. As this song came to mind, I sang it to Baylen and his eyes slowly shut. 

This song also took me back to the day Heath and I got married. We had three of my friends sing this song during our ceremony. As Heath and I prayed together, they sang part of the Third Day version of this song. They did an awesome job and helped to bring a time of worship to our special day. I wish I could embed this part of our wedding DVD into my blog so you could hear it. I have no idea how to do that, so instead I'll embed this for you to enjoy - it's Third Day's version which is three songs into one (Turn Your Eyes, Give Yourself Away, and Your Love, O Lord)

Revisiting this song that morning really helped to get my heart and mind where it needed to be to truly worship at church. As we settled into our seats and began the service, a familiar tune began to play - it was this same hymn. The song leader played those chords on his guitar and led us in singing this song to our amazing and wonderful Father.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In this light of His glory and grace.

I smiled with a I-think-you're -trying-to-tell-me-something grin as I sang this song. It's such an amazing song which such strong lyrics. There are so many times when our minds are not on the things that they should be - things of this earth, not on His perfect and wonderful glory and grace. If we turn our eyes upon Him, we will be blessed again and again. The things we focus on from day to day will never measure up to how abundantly awesome He is. I'm glad that I was reminded of that this part Sunday.

1 comment:

amy pike said...

One of my favorites. Singing it in my head made me think of one of my other favs.....For the Beauty of the Earth. Especially the line, For the joy of human love, brother, sister, parent, child. Friends on earth, and friends above for all gentle thoughts and mild.

Did I ever tell you that I collect old hymnals? I love them!