Saturday, June 23, 2012

A birthday paddling

After our last paddle down Drakes Creek, I called my sister and informed her that Cash wanted to go again soon, but this time with his "buddy Kennick." I suggested a paddle down the creek, but a farther trip, on his birthday weekend. She checked her calendar and it was set.

Saturday, the 23rd, we met at Romanza Johnson Park on Trammel Creek around 9:30. We tried to remember how long of a paddle it would be to the twin bridges at Phil Moore Park and decided it would be about an hour. With sand buckets, shovels, snacks and drinks packed, we put in the water at about 9:50.

Here's Derek getting ready to float their kayak. It wasn't too hot that morning, thankfully.

Karalee, Kennick and Baylen were ready. Oh, yes, did I mention that we also brought along water guns and water cannons? :)

And in we went, paddling along. At first we got stuck a few times where the water was so low, but after about ten minutes of rough spots, we were in the clear.

Yay! Baylen loves sitting up front. I guess he's the captain of the boat!

Heath ended up sitting on the back of the boat to give Cash some more room, but to also make getting out of the kayak to push us more easy.

The Doggetts paddling down Trammel, little did we know it was going to be a "three- hour tour."

Cutie patootie!

We got out once to stretch our legs, let the boys play and get wet to cool off. It ended up being more in the sun and less in the shade than we thought.

Sisters! Love this girl...

Kennick is such a funny guy! He was quite the silly one, too, with his water bucket and water cannon!

Yes, we arrived at our destination around 12:45. Three hours! But the boys were such troopers! Baylen cooled off in the water while we cleaned out the kayaks, drove to get the other cars, and let the big boys splash around.

Cash and Kennick were busy with their shovels and buckets, but B preferred the water.

All done! We ended our great morning with some yummy bar-be-que from Split Tree! It was a fun and special way to start off Cash's birthday weekend!

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