Thursday, June 28, 2012

Diggin' taters

When we planted our potatoes back in the spring, we didn't really know much about potato-growing. Honestly, I'm not sure we knew anything about it. I saw them at Southern States when I was picking up some other seeds, and I decided it was be fun for the boys (and Heath and I) to try it. Why not?

With some help from my Granny, we cut the seed potatoes, planted them (ends up they were way too close together), and then we waited. Soon they sprouted, some grew tall, some shriveled up, some had blooms, but we didn't really know what we should be looking for. We read that when they bloomed they would be ready. Other things we read said to wait until the ground cracks, then they'd be ready. Well, some bloomed and some didn't, and our entire garden cracked everywhere because it was so dry! 

So one afternoon, we decided that since the potato plants were all dried and dead looking, they couldn't possibly grow any more, so we headed up the hill with some small shovels and the boys' sand bucket. 

Yay! A tater! We were excited to see at least one potato, but kind of expected a few more on each plant. Oh, well!

The bucket was filling up, but not too quickly.

Heath would dig around the plant and then pull it up. The boys would pull the potato off the plant and drop it in our bucket. They loved it!

Digging taters -- what a fun evening!

This one had two taters! Jack pot!

By the time we got to our last plant, we had a full bucket (note the bucket wasn't too awfully big). But we learned some, are going to make some adjustments next year, and we'll try again.

They were yummy! I washed them up real good and boiled them with some butter. New potatoes - delicious!

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