Monday, June 11, 2012

It still floats

Heath and I have a tandem kayak, and we really enjoying kayaking. Most people probably don't know this about us. The reason is, we haven't been kayaking together for about five years. You see, they don't suggest kayaking while pregnant or with small babies. Since being pregnant and having small babies have taken up our past five years, our kayak has taken a backseat in our lives. We talked about going, and we discussed how much we missed it. There would be beautiful, warm day right after a rainstorm when we'd mention that it'd be the perfect day to paddle down a full creek. We just never made the time, I guess.

Until this past weekend. Yes, on Saturday we loaded up the kayak, packed our wet bag full of treats, sippies and a towel, and headed for the water.

Excited brothers

Tying it down tight -- it was a lot heavier than I remembered!

Can you believe I didn't get a single picture of anyone in the kayak? Geez. It is hard to coordinate a picture taking session while holding a kayak still with little boys squirming around. We put in at the twin bridges (Phil Moore Park) and took out only a little bit down the creek. It was about a twenty-minute float - just right for the boys' first trip.

After we got to our destination, we played in the water for about an hour or so. Heath tried to teach the boys how to skip rocks. Not sure he was very successful.

Cash just loved splashing around and enjoying the cool water.

Sweet brothers

Doggett boys (don't you love Cash's hat?)

I enjoyed playing in the water with them, too. There was a pretty quick current about ten feet out. Although it was fun to play in, we had to hold tight to B.

Mommy and her water-loving boys

Someone got sleepy and wanted to be held after awhile. We ended the morning with a picnic at the park across the road and some playtime on the playground. What a perfect morning enjoying the great outdoors!

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