Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Run for Rover

Have I ever introduced to you my dear friend, Amy? I think I have. We have a lot in common. We graduated from Glasgow, were AOIIs at WKU (she was my big sister), we're both married, live in BG, have two kids, love to read, and now we have something else in common, we run.

Let me back up. We decided last year that we were going to be running partners. About two months after we decided this, I still hadn't put my sneakers on. Ha. So at the beginning of the year, we changed our minds and became going-to-the-movies partners. Starting in January, we would go once a month to the theater to see a movie. It was nice. Popcorn, decent movies, and much needed breaks from our toddlers. But a few weeks ago, I wrote Amy an email explaining to her that we could do better and we needed to do better. I convinced her to sign up for a two-mile race in Glasgow and the rest is history!

Here we are before the race, bright and early (June 16th). My sister, Karalee, actually put together the event, Run for Rover, to benefit the animal shelter in Glasgow. It wasn't a bad race, lots of downhills (nice!) and it wasn't too hot yet. We stuck together for the first mile, and then as I slowed down, I told Amy to go on ahead. She finished about two minutes before me.

We did manage to get 3rd (Amy) and 4th (me!) in our age divisions. Woo hoo!

Looking forward to more races this summer and fall. We have goals set to run some 5ks, the BG 10k and maybe even a half-marathon (down the road -- no pun intended!) Of course, I'll keep my blog updated on all the events we finish!

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