Friday, June 1, 2012

Freeing a snake and cages for tomatoes

A few nights ago, we decided to take a walk up to the garden. The boys and I had bought some more tomato cages, and I wanted to get them on the plants before they got too big. Baylen decided to take his bat and some balls, Cash helped to carry the tomato cages, so I held hands with Heath, and we walked up the hill.

Halfway up the hill, I spotted this guy. At first, we thought it was just a black snake chilling on the side of the drive, but after looking a bit closer, we decided that it was caught in the mesh that was put on our yard last summer.

What to do? It was a pretty long snake, and he (she?) was tangled up pretty good.

Ruth came to investigate the situation. She poked a bit at it, but wasn't all that impressed.

We decided to walk on up to the garden, play some ball, and cage up our tomato plants. B was bound and determined to carry it all by himself!

Cash helped to sort the cages - I love all the colorful ones!

Yay! A bloom on the zucchini plants!

The boys played ball (sorry for the blur, I didn't have my flash on), while I installed the cages.

I think the garden is looking pretty good!

A little more baseball - Baylen is getting really good at hitting.

Oh, yes, another lovely trip to the garden. **Just a side note: We ended up going back to the house, getting our lanterns and flashlights and a pair of scissors. Yes, we cut the snake free and away he slithered. :)

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