Sunday, July 31, 2011

Birthday on the farm

July 4th isn't just Independence Day for our family. It's a day that we celebrate a blessing in the form of a daughter, sister, wife, mother, granddaughter, niece and cousin. That blessing is my sister, and yes, July 4th is her birthday.

For those that don't know, my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer in September of 2009. Since then she's been through surgeries, chemo and radiation, and she is now cancer free. Every birthday for her is another year to be thankful for God's grace and healing on her. Every birthday is a celebration.

How did we celebrate this year? We went to the farm!

My aunt Kathy (Kaffy) has over 200 acres in Barren Co. On these acres is a spring that flows into a small stream that is perfect for the boys to play in. Give them some boots or water shoes, and they are set. Here's Cash and Grandad enjoying the cool water.

He enjoyed walking back and forth at first, but later he and Kennick (and B) were throwing rocks and kicking up their heels.

B was unsure at first and hung out with Grammy.

But it didn't take long for him to walk right in, sit down and start splashing.

Some of the rocks were slippery, but it was too much fun not to get right in.

Can you tell we had company? Yes, the cows enjoyed cooling off with a drink.

They also took a ride in O's boat around the pond. Dad had made Kathy and Johnny a duck house, and they used the boat to put it in place. The little boys, along with Heath and O, rowed around the pond just for fun.

Cousin Josh tried to catch supper. So did O and Bubba (Karalee).

Here they are paddling around the pond. See the duck house in the background?

Somehow Cash always migrates to O when it comes to fishing. Maybe he knows that O has fabulous fishing skills. :)

After awhile of not catching any fish though, these three boys decided to play in the stream some more.

Look who caught the first fish! Heath hooked this medium sized catfish, but threw it back. We were having ham sandwiches for supper!

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