Thursday, July 28, 2011

Moving Day

After a lot of thinking, Heath and I decided that it would be completely worth it to hire some guys to move all of our things from storage to the house. Yes, it would cost a bit of money (more than a bit), but it could be done on a day while Heath was at work, and we could use the weekend to put things away and organize.

So I found some guys (BG firefighters have a business - they are wonderful), and on Friday, June 10th, all of our things were moved across town to our new house. My Granny came to BG with me to help with the boys, and we had some other favorite people join us for lunch.

Last minute vacuuming - it took the guys over two hours to load everything in the truck from our storage units. We waited and waited ...

Can you find the sweet little guy in this mess?

Yes, all of our things (minus stuff that was at mom and dad's) fit into one truck. It was a tight squeeze though!

AR had fun playing with these styrofoam pieces while... 

Emaline took it easy. (The BEST baby, EVER!)

There were two monkeys sighted during the process, too. :)

Cash was the most excited about seeing his couches. He loves jumping on them because you can take the cushions off. He had really missed them!

At the end of the day, I was completely overwhelmed by all the boxes that needed to be put away. Thankfully Granny and I had gotten a head start on the kitchen while they were carrying things in and the boys were napping (yes, they took naps in the closet). By the end of the weekend though, things were starting to take shape.

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