Sunday, July 31, 2011

Concrete and fireworks

Only on this blog will you find a post about concrete and fireworks together.

July 1st was a very full day. After story time at the library, lunch and some errands in town, the boys and I came back to the house for nap time. Heath was able to get home early to pour the last of the concrete for our retaining wall around back. The boys were so excited to have a concrete truck at their house and were amazed at the sounds that it made.

I sometimes wonder about Heath. It's almost like he has this concrete truck radar. Before I can ever hear a truck, his ears seem to perk up, and he always says, "I'm starting to hear things." He's never wrong. Here's a picture of B watching Heath. He had just said those magical concrete words, and yes, within minutes a concrete truck pulled down the drive.

"Look, mama! There it is! A con-trete trut at my house!"

They had a time dodging the trees in the front yard to get to the retaining walls. The boys watched in amazement.

Getting the chutes ready...

Not your typical concrete finisher, but the best I know.

The boys loved watching it all happen. They got used to the noises, too. It was loud being so close, but they didn't seem to mind too much.

B did get a little bored after awhile and decided to sit on the front stoop.

After Heath finished pouring the wall, we packed up in the car and went to Moe's for supper. Moe's is, no doubt, one of our favorite places to eat, and both the boys eat really well there. After our bellies were full, we drove over to the Corvette Amphitheater for the music and fireworks. We were supposed to meet up with some friends for a great time. Little did we know that a very long line of traffic waited for us.

Lesson learned: It cost money to park and watch the fireworks at the amphitheater. We had no idea. I guess thinking back about it, it makes complete sense, but we hadn't been before and didn't know. We drove up and they were collecting money, and we had no cash. Panic! Heath was looking in the nooks and crannies of the car. I was searching the bottom of my purse for a faithful stranded dollar or two. All we came up with was five bucks. It costs $15. 

While all this was going on in the front seat, Cash was overhearing the panic in our voices as we said, "We don't have any cash!" "Do you have cash?" "Is there any cash in the console?" He piped up from the back, "Yes, you do. I'm right here!" We had to compose ourselves to explain to the lady taking the money that we didn't have enough cash to get in. She looked at the long line of cars behind us, took the $5, and said, "Enjoy the fireworks." Shew ... close call!

Me with the boys and Laura, our small group friend

Cash would find the concrete toy that our friend brought for their kid to play with. It kept him busy until the fireworks started. He enjoyed watching the fireworks. He and Heath laid on their backs and watched them together on the blanket.

As for this guy, he found a few things to keep his attention until the fireworks started, and then he fell asleep in my lap. He always sleeps through fireworks!

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