Friday, July 8, 2011

Before and After

For the first two weeks of living in our new house, it rained almost every day. This wasn't a bad thing at all for the farmers around our house. They needed it, I'm sure. As for the us, we could have done without it. (Enter here my Granny scolding me for complaining about the rain.) You see, we don't have grass in our yard. We have clay soil, which turns into a nasty muddy mess with a lot of rain. If the boys wanted to go outside to play, it would conclude with a hose down, a wash in the mud sink in the laundry room or a complete bath. Baylen is especially bad about this. When he plays in mud, he loves getting it on his hands, but when he's done with mud being on his hands, he wants them clean. He rubs his hands on shirt or puts them in his mouth (nice, right?). Take a look - and this is on a good day.



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