Friday, July 29, 2011

Party time - Excellent!

On the evening of Cash's birthday we had his party with our family. A lot of his favorite people were able to come and celebrate his big day. Here's  a look at it in pictures...

Cash was very, very excited about his cake. He had told me he wanted a Cranky the Crane birthday party and a Cranky cake. (This is the big crane on Thomas for you non-Thomas watchers.) I found a lady in BG who is an awesome cake-maker as you can see. She was able to make a Cranky the Crane to put on top. He loved it!

She also made a Thomas to put on the tracks at the bottom of the cake.

Can you see how Cranky is lifting a number three? Totally cool if you ask me. She was so creative with it!

Lighting the candles ... Can't believe he's already three!


Happy birthday to Cash!

No trouble blowing them out (with the help of daddy for support).

Proud parents of a happy three year-old!

Cash wanted B to see the cake and be in the picture, too.

I think cousin Nick thought the cake was pretty cool, too. He was waiting for his yummy piece. It was delicious, by the way!

B scarfed down his piece. Yes - he ate most of what you see here.

Family and friends all gathered to celebrate!

He could not get enough of the Cranky that was on top of the cake. He had asked for the real Cranky for his birthday, so I guess he thought that he got what he asked for.

Happy little brother!

Getting ready to open presents ... We got Cash his new chair for his birthday.

Watching Cash open presents is rather interesting. Once he opened one, he wanted it out of the box so he could play with it. It was hard keeping him focused on the task at hand.

Reading the card from Grammy and Grandad

Cousin Kennick was very curious about Harold's Helipad.

B checked out Cash's new chair.

We were trying to get Cash down off the couch so he could open more presents. He was trying to get Grandad to get Captain and his shed out of the box.

More presents! 

B also got a present from Bhavini Mashi. She couldn't come to his birthday party in March, so she brought him a surprise, too. He loved this toy! 

Cash playing with Captain's shed after all the presents were opened.

And there's Cranky! He was so, so, SO excited about him!

Kennick and B were busy trying out Cash's other presents.

Thanks, Aunt Kaffy, for getting Cranky the Crane! He was one happy birthday boy!

Here's both his Crankys - the cake one and the real one.

We played with both the Crankys after everyone left and before bedtime. What a big day!

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