Friday, July 29, 2011

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

It's no secret that I love going to see the Hot Rods play. I love watching any baseball game actually. Some say it's too slow-paced and boring, but as for me, I'll take a baseball game over any other sport any day.

Thankfully I've got a family who shares in my love of the sport. My dad has always agreed it's America's favorite past time, my mom has grown to love it, Heath is a true Braves fan and played in high school, and my boys have shown a true interest for it as well (Cash way more than Baylen, but both love playing ball and attending Hot Rods games.)

June 24th was a warm night, but we packed our bags (it takes a bit of planning to keep little ones entertained), and we headed to Bowling Green Ball Park. It's the same routine every time we go. First we eat, then we watch a few innings, ice cream comes next, and of course, the boys run around a bit. It's impossible to keep the boys in their seats for the entire game. Our goal is to make it to the third inning in our seats (it doesn't seem long, but it's a true challenge), and then we split up. Dad stays and watches the games, Heath and/or I take Cash to walk around and sometimes play in the inflatables, and either myself or my mom walks with Baylen until he falls asleep. 

So you may ask where baseball actually fits into the picture. Well, I may not get to see every pitch, but I do get a chance to catch the game in between feeding hot dogs to little ones, making trips to the bathroom, running up and down the grassy hill, or carrying a sweaty sleeping baby around the park. It never fails to be an eventful night, but they are always fun, and the best part is that they are spent with some of my favorite people.

Mom brought some fun light toys to this game. The boys loved them, especially B.


Dad and Baylen taking time to smile for the camera.

Baylen - our smallest baseball fan

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