Friday, July 29, 2011

June 25th

In the Doggett house, this day, June 25th, is a special one. On this day in 2008, we were blessed with one of God's greatest blessings. We became parents for the first time on this day, and over the past three years, we've had the great honor of calling Robert Cash our son.

Three years? It's crazy! Where did time go? It's gone by way too fast, but it's been fun and full of love, smiles, cuteness, craziness, tears, prayers, lessons, patience, hugs, kisses, boo-boos, and amazement of how wonderful God truly is to us.

Here's our lil' man at 12:23 pm, June 25th, 2008. Brand new, and oh, so precious.

Here he is on 12:23 pm, June 25th, 2009, such a playful kid!

12:23 pm, June 25th, 2010 - A big brother, and all grown-up! :)

And at 12:23 pm, June 25th, 2011 - yes, eating lunch, and I couldn't get him to smile at the exact time.

A bit later, he did manage to show us three fingers between bites.

So what's the difference between two and three? Well, for Cash, it's his speech and language. Looking back, Cash didn't really start saying his first words until he was 18 months old. By the time he turned two, he had a large vocabulary, but it wasn't very clear. I can remember visiting a friend last August after Cash had just turned two. Cash was asking me a question, and I answered him. She asked me how I understood what he was saying. First of all, mamas know their baby's language, but really, I had just gotten used to it. She opened my eyes though to the fact that he wasn't speaking very clear. At three this has really changed. Sure, there are times when I still have to interpret for some people what Cash is telling them, but for the most part, he's a talking maniac, full of words, complete sentences, lots of inflection, and for the most part, his grammar is pretty accurate. I'll insert here that it's because he's around me more than he is Heath. Ha.

What else does three look like for Cash? He's definitely taller and slimmer, but a hefty, solid guy. Don't ask me his weight or height because I don't know. He hasn't been to his three year well-check, and I doubt I'll take him. Just know he's taller and heavier than he was at two. (Obviously.)

There are times during the day when he's the best big brother ever, bringing books and toys to B when he's upset, finding his woobie (blanket) when he's tired, bringing his shoes to him when it's time to go outside, sharing his trains when they are in the playroom, but then there are times when he's the most aggravatin' three year-old on the planet. He knows exactly how to push B's buttons, and at times, he's a little too good at it.

He loves his daddy. A few weeks ago I signed Cash and Heath up for the workshop at Lowe's to build a tow truck. He had a blast Spending time with Heath is special because of Heath's schedule at work, and when he is at home, it's shared between the two boys (and me!). He also loves riding on work equipment with Heath here at the house. We've had bulldozers, BobCats and a backhoe here in the past month, each of which Cash has had his turn on. If you ask Cash, he'll tell you he's "Daddy's boy." Definitely.

But when it's time to settle down and go to bed, he's definitely a mama's boy. He loves to sit and snuggle, and I do, too. He's growing up so fast, so I'm soaking it all in while I can.

He's 100% boy and completely loved by us all. Happy birthday, lil' man! 

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