Thursday, September 15, 2011

Borrowing some Cash

Would you like to borrow some Cash to make you smile today? 

Heath and I decided to start teaching Cash some basic Bible doctrines through the memorization of a catechism. We have a huge responsibility to bring our boys up in "the training and instruction of the Lord." We have a strong desire to see the boys come to know and understand God's Word for themselves. We read with them from their Jesus Storybook Bible, we pray with them, and we sing praise songs with them. Children have an awesome capacity for memorization (for example, both Cash and B can sing any of their favorite cartoons' songs), and we can encourage and develop their understanding of Biblical truths by regularly repeating these simple questions and answers. The book that we are using has oodles of them, but Heath has highlighted some of the easier ones, and throughout the day, I repeat them to Cash while we are doing different things, and over the past few weeks, he's starting repeating them to us. It's been such a blessing to see Cash learn them and then ask questions about them, too.

For example, the first one is simply, "Who made you?" and the answer they learn to repeat is, "God made me." Nothing too hard, but a Biblical truth that is important for kids to know. He's definitely got this one down. B is still working on it. Funny enough, if you ask B the same question, his reply is, "Daddy." We're still working on it. :)

My new favorite word has come from Cash learning the second question. The question is, "What else did God make?" The answer we are looking for is, "God made all things."

Cash's answer? "Everystuff." Yes, this is my new favorite word.

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