Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lots-of-Words Wednesday

Yes, most Wednesdays I post a fun picture from the week that usually needs no words to explain it. I had my picture picked out for this week, but knew that there would have to be some words typed in order to explain why I had picked that specific picture.

Here's the picture:

This is my sister and I (and Baylen) last December. Seriously, it's the latest picture I have of the two of us together. I decided to post a picture of us because two years ago today she received the news that she had breast cancer. Yes, it's been two years, and what a huge praise it is today to be able to say she is cancer-free, full of energy, and so very healthy! We thank God today that He held onto her as she went through surgeries, chemo and radiation (all with a one-year old!). She's a shining example for so many, and I've always admired her and looked up to her. So today, is a day full of words, words that shout praises to my God for healing her.

That my soul may sing praise to you and not be silent.
Oh LORD my God, I will give thanks to you forever.
Psalm 30:12

1 comment:

Sara Crane said...

!! Absolutely perfectly said !!
Thanks for sharing this post today