Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Where a kid can be a kid ...

On Saturday, September 10th, we enjoyed an afternoon at "Cheese's" with family. Pizza, games, cake, ice cream, and of course, presents...

It was Nick's 5th birthday. Yes, he's five years old! Where did time go?

B loves riding in the red car and this red fire engine. He's not too big on the huge blue monster truck.

Cash rode the merry-go-round for awhile. Then two other kids got on, and of course, he got off. He's such an introvert sometimes...

Here's the grown-up kids, Alison (a.k.a. Aunt Ali), Stacy and Heath.

Happy birthday, Nick!
He wore the crown well, and I was equally impressed with his skills in the ticket blowing contraption!

This cake, according to Heath, is 1.6 billion years old. (I'm joking.)

This child had a bazillion presents and seriously opened them, gave hugs, and was done in less than five minutes. It was the craziest whirlwind of present-opening I've ever witnessed.

Cash and Nick climbed to the top of the playhouse together. Once there though, Cash acted like a caged monkey and Nick enjoyed the curling slide. 

On this ride, you're shown a screen that makes it seem like you're on a roller coaster. Heath was in on the ride, too. Can't you tell?

Obviously Nick does enjoy the monster truck. He took one more ride on it, and then it was time to head home. What a fun birthday party! Hope you had fun, Nick. We love you!

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