Friday, September 30, 2011

I'd run to you

You know those moments that you just know you want to remember forever? You tell someone, and they say, "You should write that down!" I had a moment like that last weekend, and I've been thinking about it all week. Every time I recall what was said and the emotion, I smile. So I've decided to add it to my blog so I'll always have it.

Last Sunday night, it had started getting cloudy, and Heath and I knew that it was supposed to start storming. This isn't a problem for us or Baylen, but our lil' man doesn't care for thunder at all. We had just put Cash to bed, Baylen had been asleep for awhile, Heath was downstairs in his office working, and I was upstairs at my computer. The rain started, and a loud thunder started rolling. I remember stopping what I was doing knowing that I would hear a terrified voice from down the hall. 

Sure enough, as soon as the loud thunder boomed, Cash screamed for me, and I went running into his room. I climbed up in his bed, scooped him up, and held him tight. He was already sweaty, and tears were already rolling down his little cheeks. "Mommy, I don't like thunder."

"I know," I said. I reminded him that thunder was the way that God told people it was about to rain. I explained a little about hot air and cold air (being the science teacher) while I rocked him a little. He calmed down pretty quickly, but it was still raining hard and thundering a bit.

"Will you cuddle with me?" He had laid back down on his pillow and wanted me to stay and keep him company. Of course, I laid down with him, cuddling (he's my little cuddle-bug, B never cuddles) and loving the moment. Just as he was nodding off, it thundered again, and he was awake.

"Cash, you know when I was little, I was scared of thunder, too. Grandad told me that thunder was just a noise, and it couldn't hurt me." True enough, I was super scared of thunder and storms when I was little. As soon as it started in, I hit the floor running to my parents' room.

I squeezed my lil' man one more time. As I was about to get up, Cash rolled over and said, "Mommy, if there was thunder and you were scared, I'd run to you." 

Seriously. Those big brown eyes won me over for the millionth time, I gave him a kiss goodnight, tucked him in tight and said, "Goodnight." Needless to say, I had tears in my eyes when I closed his door and went downstairs.

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