Friday, September 23, 2011

One and a half

Behold, children are a gift of the LORD,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
- Psalm 127:3

Oh, me. Our little B is now 18 months old. A year and a half! My sister said to me yesterday, "I can't believe how big he's getting!" He is a big boy, still my baby, but a big boy. He's still a little "whipper snapper," very long and lean, but it's his stature and ways that make him seem like such a big boy. I guess it's because he tries to do whatever Cash does.

He's definitely our little talker. He can carry on a pretty good conversation with you, spouting off three word sentences and answering questions. His sweet little yes sounds more like, "Yesh." I love it. I would tell you all the words he says, but it's really too many. His vocabulary truly blows us away. His facial expressions are priceless. I even dug out our video camera this past week to try to capture some of his faces, but of course, he wouldn't perform on camera.

Baylen is still mainly a carnivore. He loves meats and fruits. I'm not sure if there is a vegetable that he eats, unless I sneak it in his smoothie (by the way, smoothies are the greatest!) He drinks water and his almond milk with no problem and has the family sweet tooth. We are still avoiding dairy products like yogurt (he eats coconut yogurt), cheese, and of course, whole milk and ice cream.

He is strong-willed, which is the nice way of saying he's stubborn and throws little "fits" when things don't go his way. This is completely new to us because Cash is pretty laid back. We are working with Baylen trying to calm his temper before he throws a tantrum, throws something or hits his brother. It's a work in progress, and it's definitely something that I am constantly seeking God's guidance about. 

B is a handful at times, but we are slowly figuring him out. We pray that our parenting will guide him in the right direction - toward God. As he grows we will continue to learn how this little guy works and pray that he lives his life to glorify God.

Happy one and a half, Baylen! We love you.

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