Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Kitchen: A Woman's Domain

I was reading an article on the History Channel's website (I know, weird, heh?) the other day about the history of the kitchen. It spoke about medieval  kitchens and even all the way back to the open-atrium type kitchens in the days of the Roman Empires. After reading through it, no matter the time period, kind of kitchen or even what was kept near the kitchen, there was always one common factor - it was always the woman's domain.

Thinking about this, I see it is true in my experience as well. When I picture my Granny, I see her in the kitchen, fixing a huge dinner for her family. My mom is the same way. I believe her love language is cooking for others. Kitchens are where mothers take care of their families. It's where memories are made cooking with little ones, and most of all, being in a kitchen relates a lot to nurturing - which is what mamas do best.

Where am I going with this? Well, of all the rooms in our new house, I'm most excited about the kitchen. Notice I said "the kitchen" not "my kitchen." Yes, I do most of the cooking, but Heath loves to cook and is a really good cook (thank you, Ann). So will it be "my domain?" I guess we'll just have to see. ;)

Here's a few sneak peeks of our kitchen:

Me checking out the under-the-cabinet lighting - how cool!

I'm super excited about all the space. If you were ever a visitor on Covington Street, you know we had an itsy-bitsy kitchen. No more running into each other in this kitchen!

My domain or not, Heath and I purposely planned the kitchen and family room to be open and inviting because we love to have friends over to enjoy all the blessings of life with.

You're welcome in my domain any time.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Because he asked

It's no big news that we've had plenty of rain this spring. It's probably no shock either that all this rain has made quite a few rain puddles here and there. And if you've read this blog for any time at all, you know that Cash loves puddles, and both the boys love water.

So it should come to no surprise to you that Cash asked to play in a puddle that he found in the neighbor's yard. If you know how I raise my boys, you should also know that I said, "Sure."

We did wait, though, until Heath came home because I knew he would get a kick out of it, too.

Go figure. Cash was a little hesitant, but B got right in and walked around.

He also splashed in the water with his hands (thus the completely soaked shirt).

Walking back and forth through the water, they had a blast.

It really wasn't dark outside, but my flash made it look dark.

Because I wouldn't dare have my kids outside playing in a puddle when it's dark. Or would I?

Yes, this is blurry, but it shows how fast they were running back and forth through the rain puddle.

Cash really kicked up his feet.

Here B is splashing in the water - love that grin!

Playing in a muddy rain puddle just before dark might not have been what you would do with your kids, but it's the kind of stuff I like doing with mine. They are only this age once, and because he asked, I agreed. Plus, it was bath night anyway. :)

My school year

Today is the last day for students in the school system where I taught for six years. Students have grins stretched from ear to ear awaiting that last bell, and I'm sure my teacher friends do as well. They've had 173 days of lesson plans, technology-integrated activities, test preparation, counseling sweet children, and long faculty meetings.

It makes me wonder - What has the past school year been like for me? 

I've completely mastered the grilled cheese and become an expert at hiding vegetables like broccoli and carrots in smoothies.

I've helped my lil' man become completely potty-trained while juggling an infant in the other arm.

I've answered questions like, "Why can't you lay an egg, mommy?" and "How long til dessert?"

I witnessed first hand the first time B sat up and his first steps.

I watched more than my share of Elmo, Thomas, Mickey and Little Einsteins.

I taught Cash to pedal his tricycle and identify all his letters.

I've packed an entire house and moved thirty minutes down the road.

I've wiped noses, hugged sick little bodies, and kissed boo-boos.

I've learned to repeat, "Love is patient, love is kind," when my patience is running thin.

I've finished loads of laundry and sinks full of dishes all while remembering snack time, lunch time and nap time.

I've come to appreciate what my mom did for my sister and I more than I ever thought I would.

I've fallen in love again and again with my husband, who works so hard so I can stay home with our two boys.

I've learned more than I could ever teach in a school year.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Chip and Dale relocation project

For about a month now, my dad has been setting up his squirrel trap in the backyard. Don't get excited - this is a very humane trap. It doesn't harm the squirrel (or whatever decides to make its way into the cage).

You see, at my parents' house, there is an over-abundance of squirrels. They are everywhere, and they are into everything! So dad tries to catch them to relocate them (a friend takes them to Edmonson County - I won't say what he does with them there).

It was working really well, until ground squirrels started getting in on the bait (sunflower seeds). Dad would get excited about catching another squirrel when he saw the door of the trap down, but would soon discover that a ground squirrel was inside instead. This wasn't a horrible thing since we have a huge population of ground squirrels that have been making holes in the yard.

Cash started getting interested in this new hobby of Grandad's, and he got very excited every time Grandad caught a "chipmunk," as he calls them. "We caught Chip!" 

We've caught and released a total of nine ground squirrels - two Chips and three Dales. The other four did not get named, but I could take a guess as to what their names would have been.

Where do we release them? Well, it depends really. Most of them are "getting smarter," and others are around town depending on where errands were being run.

I'm sure we'll continue catching and release these little guys as long as they're interested in the sunflower seeds.

Plantin' time

Remember my Mother's Day wish? Heath had a neighbor friend plow up a patch for me a little garden. This past Saturday we planted a few of our favorite things. With the help of an awesome hubby and two little dirt-lovin' helpers, we got it all done before the rain came (sort of).

I'm trying to get as many truck pictures in as I can before Heath has to give it up for a car (one of the down-sides of being a project manager).

Little man got a little impatient while Heath was tilling it one more time. He wanted to get in that dirt.

Baylen just enjoyed watching Daddy work (and chewing on his finger).

What a hard workin' guy!

And what a cutie!

jalapeno and habanero peppers, lots of tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, and bell peppers

and some mammoth sunflowers

Hopefully, I won't be completely clueless about this gardening thing and we'll get some (in Cash's words) "healfy foods to eat."

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

That bottom lip

I've heard people say, "Don't trip over that lip."

I've heard people say, "You can shovel dirt with that lip."

But never have I seen a face so cute when the bottom lip is stuck out this far.

This face is just too, too cute, and to answer your question, he was told no.

14 months

Baylen Neal turned fourteen months yesterday. Can you believe it?

Here's a picture of my super-picky eater after devouring some farm fresh strawberries.

Fourteen facts about Baylen - one for each month.

1. B started walking when he was 7 1/2 months old, so by now he's obviously a pro. He's a pretty good runner and scary, crazy climber now, too. You definitely can't turn your back on him for too long. 

2. Like I said, he's a very picky eater. Some days I wonder if he's eaten enough to sustain himself. One day he'll love a food, and then the next day he'll turn up his nose at it. He's a big meat-eater though, chicken and bacon being his favorites.

3. He's finally a good sleeper. After a year of waking up multiple times at night, he's sleeping through the night about 6 days out of the week. He usually goes to bed around 8pm and wakes up between 6 and 7am. We'll see how he does after we transition to our new house...

4. He loves his big brother (and the feeling is mutual). He loves following Cash around, imitating his words and noises, and playing trains with him. I'm so excited to have them close in age. They will be best friends for life!

5. He says lots of words, but on his terms. Daddy, ball, ni-night, bu-bye, more, and Dada (Grandad) are his favorites. I've yet to hear Mama, but I'm thinking it's soon. Cash didn't say anything until he was 18 months old, so we're surprised to hear anything from B this soon.

6. He loves baths. He knows the sign for bath, and when he hears the word "bath" or the water start running, he does the sign while running toward the bathroom. He loves playing peek-a-boo behind the shower curtain, pouring water from cup to cup, and splashing his mama and big brother.

7. At his one year well-check (that happened to be last week), he weighed 18 lbs 14 oz, and I have totally forgotten how long he was. Terrible, I know, but his weight was so much the topic of conversation that I didn't write down how long he was. He's a thin kid, so much that Dr. Paul  wants to do a weight check on him in 4-6 weeks. I'll keep you updated. I'm hoping he'll start eating more and get above that 3rd percentile!

8. He's a mama's boy - in the very best of ways. He still prefers his mama when he's sleepy and hungry, but enjoys playing with anyone when he's in his happy mood.

9. We are loving his little expressions. His "I don't know" shrug is the cutest I've seen, when he gets in trouble, he could seriously trip over his little bottom lip (I'll post a picture soon), and when he sees something exciting he forms his little lips in a circle and has wide eyes. He's also started waving his little hands and arms (like big brother) when he gets excited. He loves waving to people; even the strangers on our shopping trips get a big grin and a wobbly wave.

10. Naps? He's not real consistent with his naps. Most days he takes a nap from 9:30 - 11:30 in the morning, and then again for about an hour sometime around 4 in the afternoon. It really depends on what we do in the mornings and how hard he plays after lunch.

11. He's a really good car-rider. We still have him sitting facing backwards in his car seat, which he loves because he can see big brother, who sits next to him facing forward. He plays with his feet, snacks, and usually naps. As much as we travel back and forth to Bowling Green, his laid-back personality in the car is a huge blessing!

12. Baylen loves being outside. When he gets in his grouchy mood, just saying "shoes" or "outside" puts a smile on his face and some pep in his step. He loves walking around, climbing Grammy's stairs, playing in the sandbox or with the water table, throwing a ball with Cash, riding the big wheel or tricycle - you name it. He is an outdoor-loving kiddo.

13. He has seven teeth - four on the bottom and three on the top. His eighth is coming in up top, but hasn't broken the gum yet. He's also getting more and more hair, and it's pretty thick. I definitely think he'll be blonde like Cash, but it's definitely not growing as fast as Cash's did - which is a good thing. Haircuts are expensive!

14. He's so very much loved by his mommy, daddy and big brother! He's also completely loved by a whole host of family. He's a special baby, and we are so very blessed by these past fourteen months with him in our lives.

Another day at Nanny's house

We've really enjoyed being so close to family while living in Glasgow. My Granny's house (Nanny to the boys) is only about ten minutes away, and there's always something fun to do there. Last Friday, Kathy and Kenle were there, so we decided to go play, too. 

Kathy had bought this awesome ride for Kenle. 
A love for horses is something that they both share.

Baylen didn't care for the horse too much. He preferred hanging out with Nanny and eating pears.

Cash, on the other hand, did enjoy the horsey ride.

So thankful for the extra time with Granny. These two have gotten a lot closer since we've been closer. :) Here they are checking on lunch.

Baylen and Kenle outside playing on Nanny's playhouse.

Lunchtime! I love how Baylen is 14 months going on 2 1/2 years!

After lunch we went to check on the cows (Cash loves being with Kathy on the farm). One of the "cow checkers" didn't make it back awake! 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lean-ded over

This is what mom's weeping cherry looked like after last night's storm.

The wind just leaned it over onto dad's grill.

Here's another shot of the tree. This wouldn't have been such a huge deal, but Kennick came over for the day, and his conversation with Cash regarding the tree was just too cute.

Cash: Kennick, Kennick, look at Meme's tree. It fell over.
Kennick: Me brought a movie.
Cash: Kennick, Meme's tree is lean-ded over on Dada's grill!
Kennick: Me brought a movie, Cash.
Cash: You brought a movie?
Kennick: Yeah, me brought a movie. Me brought Bambi.
Cash: Oh, you brought Bambi?
Kennick: Hey, Cash, Cash! Look a Meme's tree! It fell over!

Here they are looking over the rail at the tree.

At lunch, Dad came home to see if he could pull it back up straight. He had lots of help, and we managed to get it pretty straight, but we don't think it's going to stay there. Oh, well.

So proud!

Last week, Heath was given a promotion at work. He's now a project manager for his company. We are so very proud of him, me especially, and we're very thankful that God continues to provide for our family.

Another bird's eye view

Since I posted the pictures dad took from the air last month, he thought I needed some updated pictures. He took these yesterday before church. It looks different now, especially since the trees are all green.

See how high the river is? It's super muddy, too!

Three more weeks and this will be "Home, Sweet Home."

Water-lovin' boys

Cash loves water, and he always has. Baths, pools, sprinklers - you name it. He was never afraid to get water on his face either. The other day we found out that little brother is a water-lovin' baby, too!

Baylen couldn't get enough of our new sprinkler

Happy boy!

I see lots of days filled with water fun this summer.

A great way to cool off...

Love these water-lovin' boys!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A bird's eye view

Last month, dad went flying around and decided to take some pictures of our house. Take a look at our place (last month) from the sky...

Can you find our house? 

It looks different now - all painted and almost done!

Hmmm, didn't know the neighbors had a pool until we saw this picture.

This shows our "backyard." 

What a great picture looking upstream on the Barren River!

Come see us!