Thursday, May 12, 2011

Nana, heaven and Kevin

The other night while we were driving back from our favorite Glasgow Mexican restaurant, the Randy Travis song "Angels" came on the radio. This is the song that Heath danced to with his mother at our wedding. He was singing it as we drove home, and Cash asked, "What dis song?" (as he always does). Heath explained to him that this song reminded him of his mom. This is how the rest of the conversation went...

Heath: Do you remember Nana, Cash?
Cash: Nana?
Heath: Nana was my mom, Cash. She's in heaven, remember?
Cash: In heaven? With Jesus?
Heath: Yes! Nana is in heaven with Jesus.
Cash: Like Kevin.
(Keep in mind that we have a good friend named Kevin, but Kevin is also the crane that works at the Steam Works on Thomas. Either one didn't quite make sense, so Heath went on trying to figure it out.)
Heath: What do you mean like Kevin?
Cash: Kevin is like heaven.

Ahhh ... they rhyme.

Me: You mean they sound alike? That means they rhyme. Very good, lil' man!
Cash: Like my ball?
Again, Heath and I were confused. Ball didn't rhyme with heaven or Kevin.
Heath: What do you mean, Cash? Which ball?

1 comment:

bhavini said...

he is too lovely.