Monday, May 9, 2011

One of his favorite things to do...

Sure, lots of kids have odd, quirky things that they like to do, but this by far is the cutest quirky thing ever. B loves to sit in the refrigerator. Sometimes he sits and drinks, other times he just sits. I guess it's the perfect height, and of course, it's nice and cool. Whatever the reason, he's one super cute fridge-sitter.

If he's around and the door opens, he makes a mad dash to sit down.

It's like he has a radar, and when he hears the door open, he'll look around to see if he has time to stake his claim. 

And of course, when you finally decide that the door being opened isn't helping at all with electric bills, you have to peel him from his favorite seat in the house.

It's just too much fun, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merick loves to sit in that same spot too!