Thursday, May 26, 2011

Plantin' time

Remember my Mother's Day wish? Heath had a neighbor friend plow up a patch for me a little garden. This past Saturday we planted a few of our favorite things. With the help of an awesome hubby and two little dirt-lovin' helpers, we got it all done before the rain came (sort of).

I'm trying to get as many truck pictures in as I can before Heath has to give it up for a car (one of the down-sides of being a project manager).

Little man got a little impatient while Heath was tilling it one more time. He wanted to get in that dirt.

Baylen just enjoyed watching Daddy work (and chewing on his finger).

What a hard workin' guy!

And what a cutie!

jalapeno and habanero peppers, lots of tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, and bell peppers

and some mammoth sunflowers

Hopefully, I won't be completely clueless about this gardening thing and we'll get some (in Cash's words) "healfy foods to eat."

1 comment:

bhavini said...

I request some cucumbers. please..i love fresh cucumbers!