Friday, May 27, 2011

Because he asked

It's no big news that we've had plenty of rain this spring. It's probably no shock either that all this rain has made quite a few rain puddles here and there. And if you've read this blog for any time at all, you know that Cash loves puddles, and both the boys love water.

So it should come to no surprise to you that Cash asked to play in a puddle that he found in the neighbor's yard. If you know how I raise my boys, you should also know that I said, "Sure."

We did wait, though, until Heath came home because I knew he would get a kick out of it, too.

Go figure. Cash was a little hesitant, but B got right in and walked around.

He also splashed in the water with his hands (thus the completely soaked shirt).

Walking back and forth through the water, they had a blast.

It really wasn't dark outside, but my flash made it look dark.

Because I wouldn't dare have my kids outside playing in a puddle when it's dark. Or would I?

Yes, this is blurry, but it shows how fast they were running back and forth through the rain puddle.

Cash really kicked up his feet.

Here B is splashing in the water - love that grin!

Playing in a muddy rain puddle just before dark might not have been what you would do with your kids, but it's the kind of stuff I like doing with mine. They are only this age once, and because he asked, I agreed. Plus, it was bath night anyway. :)

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