Monday, May 23, 2011

Lean-ded over

This is what mom's weeping cherry looked like after last night's storm.

The wind just leaned it over onto dad's grill.

Here's another shot of the tree. This wouldn't have been such a huge deal, but Kennick came over for the day, and his conversation with Cash regarding the tree was just too cute.

Cash: Kennick, Kennick, look at Meme's tree. It fell over.
Kennick: Me brought a movie.
Cash: Kennick, Meme's tree is lean-ded over on Dada's grill!
Kennick: Me brought a movie, Cash.
Cash: You brought a movie?
Kennick: Yeah, me brought a movie. Me brought Bambi.
Cash: Oh, you brought Bambi?
Kennick: Hey, Cash, Cash! Look a Meme's tree! It fell over!

Here they are looking over the rail at the tree.

At lunch, Dad came home to see if he could pull it back up straight. He had lots of help, and we managed to get it pretty straight, but we don't think it's going to stay there. Oh, well.

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