Monday, August 1, 2011

Birthday on the farm, Part 2

After some ham sandwiches, chips and potato salad, we packed up and headed for some more fun in the water. Close by is a creek with some great areas to park, fish, play in the water, and just enjoy being outside. It's called Buffalo Ford, or sometimes it's called Bufford's Point, depending on who you ask. :)

My granny decided to enjoy it all from the tailgate of the truck. This is the face that she made when we saw our first snake. After that, she didn't move from this spot.

Here we are - doing a little bit of everything. Fishing, catching craw-dads, scooping up water, having fun.

Kennick was concentrating hard on his task. He filled up his bucket with his shovel. 

Cash was busy trying to catch something, anything, in his net.

B was more interested in the rocks.

Karalee and Derek (Bubba and O) fished (nothing caught though).

Birthday girl

I don't think Cash caught any craw-dads, but Josh caught a bucket full. It's not because my lil' man didn't try though. "They're too fast, mommy!"

What started out as just playing with Aunt Kaffy and Kennick ...

turned into a water fight between Cash and Kathy! They loved getting each other wet!

Kennick just wanted to pour water from his bucket to Kathy's, but he got a good laugh out of it.

So much fun with family!

Looks like B had a lot of fun, too! :) Sweet boy.

After drying off, we headed back to Kathy's house for cake, ice cream, and some fireworks. What a perfect way to spend Independence Day!

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