Monday, November 14, 2011


I'm a little, actually a lot, behind on posting some "school games" pictures. I realize I have a few weeks of pictures and haven't posted any of them. So here's a look at some of our fall activities. It was so nice the week that we learned about fall, we spent the majority of our time outside!

We talked a little about scarecrows. I tried to explain them to Cash, but the conversation consistently went towards "Daddy shoots those crows with his gun." Here's my lil' man working on a scarecrow puzzle. There's numbers on the sides of the pieces, so it helped him put the puzzle together.

Our "school games" time during the day is sometimes ruled by this little guy. If he wants to sit and participate, it's great, but if he wants to terrorize the table, it's not so great. Sometimes Cash is working on school games while B and I are playing nearby. I go back and forth from school games to playing. It keeps me on my feet!

We also sorted leaves into three categories, large, medium and small.

Later in the week, we worked on our patterns. Cash loves to say the pattern aloud. "No, no, Mommy. I'll say it. Leaf, pumpkin, scarecrow, leaf, pumpkin, scarecrow. What comes next?"


Mickey was also a big help this week, as you can tell. He was ready to learn all about fall!

I even caught Thomas and Mickey in a game of Memory. (Cash loves Memory, and he's getting really good at remembering, waiting his turn, etc. I find pictures of what we're studying and make two copies - instant Memory game!)

Love this guy's smile!

This was a quick activity that I've since put in the diaper bag for when we're waiting at restaurants. It's a circle divided into six pieces with fall pictures on each one. Cash clips his number clothespins to each piece according to how many items there are. Simple, but fun!

We've continued talking about fall. As the temperatures get cooler, the wind picks up and Thanksgiving gets closer, we've been talking about what all fall includes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you finally posted something, I had checked a couple of times today.. Cash is going to be so smart when he starts school.