Friday, November 25, 2011

Thankful for Play-doh

Is that silly? To be thankful for Play-doh? I don't think so. You should see how much my boys love playing with Play-doh. We usually get it out one or two mornings a week. We make letters with our Play-doh. We make animals with our Play-doh. We roll it out smooth, and then we roll our trucks, tractors, rollers, etc. over it to pretend we're making a new road or plowing a new field. We practice our counting using balls made of Play-doh. We make an endless supply of spaghetti with our Play-doh, too. Are you getting the idea here?

We love Play-doh so much, that instead of watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade together, we played with our Play-doh together. Even daddy!

Here's Cash making some grooves in his Play-doh. He loves rolling it out flat, making grooves, and then driving his John Deere over it. Rough field, I guess. :)

This is B's favorite by far. He actually got this for Cash last year for Christmas, but he's always the first to grab it when the Play-doh basket comes out. "Make sketti!"

Oh, yes, and Heath joined in the fun!

See? Endless supplies of spaghetti. Heath somehow convinced him here that he needed to make some fettucini, too.

I made a Play-doh turkey. Talent, right? Not really, just hours of Play-doh fun under the belt! :)

Plastic knives -- some of the best Play-doh tools ever! (Note the tongue -- concentration!)

The boys loved that he was home for a day of play. Sometimes when he's home he has to work in his office, and it's hard for the boys to not get to play with him. But on this day, daddy was free to play with the boys all day!

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